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    Thursday 14 March 2019

    Throwing Back To Blackberry Days - Tech Throwback Thursday

    Once upon a time, in a land of pins, and a time of bliss, the destiny of a great
    yet budding industry, lied on the shoulder of a company, named BLACKBERRY.
    Yes you heard that right!!

    Its funny how the name “blackberry” has gone into extinction, if you doubt, kindly
    hit your 14 year old niece and ask her “Do you know blackberry?”
    She’ll probably confuse it for strawberry and nod yes.

    Well, blackberry happens to be on our #TechThrowbackThursday, so why don’t
    you hop into our “Memory hyperloop train”, as we all go down memory lane.

    “What's your pin?” remember when that was our national anthem?, or “ping me”
    became our pledge? The whole atmosphere then, was really saturated with
    blackberry lovers. If you weren't using bbm messenger you were probably stone
    age. No one wanted to give “TECNO phantom” a chance

    Well today, Tecno is King, blackberry is …………...

    Looking back, we didn't even have a proper screenshot feature like now where
    you just get to hold down your phones volume and power button simultaneously.
    Everyone relied on the Hungry Purple Monster aka SCREEN MUNCH to take
    screenshots of our favourite/funny chats.

    We also had the advent of picmix (Btw if you're still using this, you're so fired!!),
    in which we all used to position or “flexboxify” (forgive us @OhansEmmanuel)
    our image alongside our highschool sweethearts(Awwn!), Make sure you have those
    pictures deleted now LOL!

    We also had @NeoIghodaro flash dp to help with creating amazing and funny gifs
    display pictures.

    Remember, when we had to buy airtime to stream youtube? God knows if we still
    had that today, our account’s will lazzdent.

    Now, above the whole stone age tech features lol!
    You could say otherwise c’mon its allowed, but really blackberry is the only brand that
    has been able to give top notch Organization.

    Everything was synced, from emails down to messages, there was really no
    way you’ll get to miss a notification. It was even the official office phone.
    Iphone has tried really, but blackberry still king's it.

    Now feel free to drop your honest views below, and also do tell us why you miss
    Join us next week, same day.
    Happy #TechThrowbackThursday

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